
    1.用户注册,只有企业邮箱 @maxim-group.com可以注册,注册完成后邮箱名就是登录名,不要@以后的部分

    2.用户找回密码 将发送验证码至您的企业邮箱@maxim-group.com,通过验证后直接进行修改密码,如果遇到问题请联系管理员! 

    3.网站右上角,分别三个连接,Member area(用户中心) ,Contact(联系管理员),语言切换, Help(帮助)


    5.如果要退出登录,关闭浏览器就会退出,记住密码功能可以免登录,如果要取消,就要手动退出登录,SYSTEM系统功能->User Center用户中心->Logout登出

    1. User registration, only the enterprise mailbox @maxim-group.com can be registered, after the registration is complete, the mailbox name is the login name, do not @ after the part

    2. User Recover Password The verification code will be sent to your corporate email address @maxim-group.com. The password will be changed directly after verification. If you encounter any problems, please contact the administrator!

    3. In the upper right corner of the website, there are three connections, Member area, Contact,Language switching, Contact, Help.

    4. Platform optional language, Simplified Chinese, English (English), English section only for menu options (temporary Sino-British mix)

    5. If you want to log out, close the browser will exit, remember the password function can be free login, if you want to cancel, you must manually log off, SYSTEM system function -> User Center User Center -> Logout Logout

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